
The Pros and Cons of Time and Attendance Systems

Web-based time and attendance systems are at the forefront of the industry, allowing users to easily customize their systems and take advantage of a wide range of features. Another perk of these systems is their low upfront cost since they usually require no in-house IT support. In addition, because they are hosted over the internet, the system is updated automatically the next time a user logs in. That means there’s no need to spend money on maintenance or hire expensive IT specialists.

Biometrics eliminates buddy-punching

A biometric time and attendance system is a great way to combat employee time theft. Unlike conventional time and attendance systems, which rely on passwords and swipe cards, biometric time and attendance systems use employees’ fingerprints to verify their identity. This prevents both buddy-punching and employee time theft. It can also help you track employee productivity and identify problems before they become unmanageable.

While biometric time and attendance systems don’t completely prevent buddy-punching, they can help reduce the number of cases. This is because biometric time and attendance systems use unique passwords. This password prevents employees from giving their passwords to colleagues. Therefore, employee passwords should be complex and not easily shared. Passwords should also be tied to work-related data, discouraging employees from sharing them. Another way to eliminate buddy-punching is to track remote work crews using biometric time and attendance systems.

Time and attendance management reduces human error in bookkeeping.

Many organizations do not realize the costs of human error caused by inefficient time and attendance management. Many of these companies use primitive paper-based time and attendance systems incompatible with their enterprise system. Only a handful of organizations are using mechanized time and attendance systems. Here are some reasons you should consider automating your time and attendance management. You’ll have fewer errors, more accurate time and attendance records, and less manual data entry.

Human error is inevitable. Even the most accurate typist makes a mistake every 300 keystrokes. Incorrectly recorded digits and decimals can impact an organization’s bookkeeping and accounting. Other common human error causes include misplaced digits and uncorrected decimals. These errors can negatively affect a business’ bottom line. Additionally, human error can arise from memory recall. For example, employees may forget their exact hours and days of work.

Time and attendance management reduces employee absenteeism.

In today’s day and age, tracking employee time and attendance is vital. An automated system can help prevent issues like buddy punching and time theft. It can also help employers monitor employee absences to address any problems leading to an increase in absenteeism. By using time and attendance systems, employers can also do return-to-work interviews to ensure they’re not responsible for excessive absenteeism.

One way to decrease employee absence rates is to increase morale by implementing a performance management solution. An automated system can collect employee feedback, implement a reward and recognition program, and even track employee absences. Another way to streamline this process is to use a time and expense tracking app. An automated system will save you a lot of time, which is crucial if you want to minimize absenteeism rates.

Time and attendance management prevents time theft.

Many employers are concerned about time theft, but several ways exist to minimize the problem. Aside from using time and attendance systems to monitor employees, employers should also ensure that they follow a comprehensive employee handbook. The handbook should define workplace policies, including time theft. If employees aren’t following the policy, it can be a red flag that a thief is at work. Additionally, companies should ensure that employees are aware of disciplinary actions if caught.

Time theft occurs when employees are paid for work they did not perform, including extended breaks and personal time. While this is a severe issue for all employers, it is particularly prevalent for hourly workers. Because hourly employees must fill out timesheets to receive pay, they can easily exaggerate their hours. Unfortunately, these false claims can add up for the year. A recent survey by Software Advice indicated that one in four employees admitted to exaggerating their work time.

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